RMRG – studying the birds of Rye Meads
We are a volunteer group whose mission is to study the birds of Rye Meads, Hertfordshire (United Kingdom), by trapping and ringing them, logging sightings, conducting breeding surveys, and recording all nests found.
We have been studying this site since 1960 and have data on more than a quarter of a million birds ringed, and have published many papers based on this data.
This website presents a summary of the birds, ringing data, and activities of the Group.
For more pictures, see our galleries of the site, the birds, other fauna and the flora.
News & Events
The RSPB has made the shock announcement that, following a review of its reserves, it will withdraw from Rye Meads. They said:
“Through 2025 we will be exploring options for the future of the reserve, including change of management and we will be looking closely at the long-term future of the site, carefully considering the qualities, challenges and opportunities of the site before reaching any final decisions. We will aim to run the reserve as usual during this phase.“
We will provide further information when we have it.
About us

Find out about our activities and history, lots about Rye Meads itself, and see galleries showcasing the site, the birds, and the other fauna and flora to be found here.
Recent activities
A blog of the Group’s activities, and some of our findings and ideas. Here is the latest post:
- Annual General MeetingCome and join us at our AGM, to be held at Rye Meads Visitor Centre. All Friends and Members are welcome.
A synopsis of the interesting sightings of birds at Rye Meads. Here is the latest post:
- An unusual gull, a hungry gull, and a record flock enliven a quiet autumn – a review of the birds of September-October 2024A disappointing Autumn in terms of migrants but not without its highlights, including the second Rye Meads record of… – read on to find out!
Ringing and Results
Find out about the birds ringed at Rye Meads and what we have learnt about their movements as a result. Here is the latest post:
- A review of ringing in 2023Once again this year we had to contend with restrictions on access to various parts of the site, as well as disappointing numbers of some birds. But there were some successes nevertheless! For the full list and a summary analysis, read on…
Support us

We are a self-funding group and rings, nets and equipment are expensive! We need your support. Become a Friend and we will send you regular news and information updates, and you can join us on ringing sessions. Or if you prefer, just donate what you can to our cause.
Click here for more details, or you can subscribe or donate now.

The Rye Meads Partnership
is a group of interested parties which co-operates in the management of habitat and the means of studying the birds of all of the Rye Meads area. The partners are:
Rye Meads Ringing Group
Thames Water
Environment Agency
Natural England

The Birds of Rye Meads
is a fascinating book with information from 40 years of bird study.
Now only £5 plus p&p.
Buy now!
RMRG thanks our sponsors