If you would like to become a Friend of Rye Meads Ringing Group, or if you are a Friend and wish to renew your subscription, then you have come to the right place!
Here you can pay a Friend subscription, or if you are a Ringing member of the Group, pay your Ringing Membership, or just simply make a donation to help us to continue our work.
A Friend of RMRG will receive our bimonthly Bulletin with up to date news of our activities, and our triennial Report with a full anaylsis of observations, ringing and other study reports, and papers analysing our data. In addition, a Friend may by prior arrangement come to see the Group at work, catching and ringing birds. Minimum Friend donation is £15 for twelve months.
A full Ringing Member of the Group can only join by prior approval of the Committee.
If you would like to donate, we would be delighted to have your contribution!